Last week the White House proposed a path to citizenship for 1.8 million undocumented immigrants – in exchange a $25B infrastructure investment and drastic cuts to legal immigration. Unless bipartisan Senators can come up with an alternative, Paul Ryan will likely remain hostage to the 30-40 House Rs who called DJT “Amnesty Don” because his plan isn’t harsh enough.


In 1964 Pres. Lyndon Johnson said, “A nation that was built by immigrants of all lands can ask those who now seek admission: ‘What can you do for our country?’ But should not be asking: ‘In what country were you born?’ ”

A policy based on national origin says: If you don’t already have education, money and a good shot in life, we don’t want you here.


Mitch McConnell stated his “intention” to have an open debate about immigration. He said it in front of the camera. Let’s hold him to it.

No matter their positions, remind MoCs you are still paying attention.


With everything from immigration to climate change to vaccinations so politicized, it can seem impossible to navigate conversations with someone who resists rationality. Science Friday, a weekly radio show, provides clear, easily accessible facts: “We’ve found that in communicating with people who are nonbelievers, you have to give them a morsel of information to grasp.”


Last week I had lunch with a friend I hadn’t seen in several years. I asked if she’s been doing anything political. She said, “No. Everyone I know is on the far right so I just try to have conversations. A good day is when one of them says, ‘Oh, I never thought of it that way.’ ” Maybe we can all be that “political.”